

Your training with us

Get your professional future off to a flying start now. Our training is the perfect starting point for your journey into the world of technology. Whether you want to let off steam in wholesale, retail, IT system house or in the repair and service center – we have just the right thing for you.

Our comprehensive training program not only gives you the chance to put your passion for technology into practice, but you will also be accompanied by experienced professionals. They will give you practical insights into all the cool areas of our company.

During your training, we are always there for you to make sure you get the best out of yourself. It is very important to us that you not only grow professionally, but also personally and that you can fully develop your talents.

We are a team full of motivation, creativity and ideas. Here you don’t just get a job, but a motivating environment that offers room for personal growth.

Apply now and take the first step towards an exciting and successful future at the ENO Group. We look forward to getting to know you!

Our trainees report

Here we bring you as close to training at the ENO Group as if you were already working here yourself.

Der erste Tag bei der ENO Group beginnt für alle Azubis aus den unterschiedlichen Unternehmen und Berufen gemeinsam.
Welcome to

The first day at the ENO Group starts together for all trainees from the different companies and professions. To provide a good introduction and a quick overview, the managers present...

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Während der Ausbildung finden regelmäßig Azubi-Meetings statt, die eine Gelegenheit für Spaß und Unterstützung bieten.
Trainee meetings

Trainee meetings are held regularly during the apprenticeship, providing an opportunity for fun and support. The mutual exchange makes it possible to give each other quick and uncomplicated feedback, discuss...

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Wholesale and foreign trade

During your training in wholesale and foreign trade management, you will work in all departments of the company and gain a comprehensive insight into the entire wholesale process. Thanks to...

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Trainee bowling

At the ENO Group, it’s not all about the job – we also attach great importance to joint activities and team spirit. For example, cool activities such as trainees bowling...

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Als Azubi in der Buchhaltung ist man ein wichtiger Teil des Teams.
Accounting for the ENO Group

As an apprentice in accounting, you are an important part of the team. With this comprehensive insight into the world of numbers, I learned how to make bookings, check invoices...

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Im Einzelhandel gibt es keine Langeweile. Schon vor den offiziellen Öffnungszeiten beginnt der Tag mit Vorbereitungen.
A day at the Expert

There is no such thing as boredom in retail. The day begins with preparations even before the official opening hours. I arrive early to make sure that everything is tidy...

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Die ENO Group bietet großartige Vorteile für Mitarbeiter an. Du kannst diese auch schon während deiner Ausbildung nutzen.
Advantages even during training

The ENO Group offers great benefits for employees. You can also use these during your training. These include company fitness, employee discounts, bicycle loans, further training and e-scooter loans, etc.

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Schülerpraktikum bei der ENO Group

Student internship

You in the middle! As an intern, you can get a taste of the activities in your chosen department before your apprenticeship or during your time at school and get an idea of the different fields of activity.

Dual study program

A dual study program offers you the ideal combination of theoretical knowledge at university and practical experience at our company. You earn money, make contacts and start with top career opportunities.

Duales Studium

Your advantages with us

  • Übernahme der Bildungsgebühren und Schulbücher

    Payment of education fees and school books

  • Verschiedene Tätigkeitsfelder

    Various fields of activity

  • Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten

    Further training opportunities

  • Betriebliche Altersvorsorge

    Company pension scheme

  • Gesundheitsmanagement

    Health management

  • Vermögenswirksame Leistungen

    Capital-forming benefits

  • 30 Tage Urlaub

    30 days vacation

  • Mitarbeiterrabatte

    Employee discounts

  • Fahrradfinanzierung

    Bicycle financing

  • Offene Unternehmenskultur

    Open corporate culture

  • Firmenfitness

    Company fitness

  • Participation in training planning

Find your apprenticeship

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